by host | Jun 16, 2023 | General, Local Sarasota, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
Scientists believe that a combination of geographic and atmospheric variables helps explain why hurricanes never seem to draw a bead on Sarasota. Local folklore, on the other hand, suggests our good fortune at avoiding “the big one” is the result of an old Indian... by host | May 25, 2023 | General, Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
I am no stranger to pool care. Indeed, pool and lawn maintenance were a large part of my life growing up. Failure to perform one or both of these assigned weekly tasks could result in a dramatic loss of income (aka, allowance); or worse, the withholding of dad’s car... by host | Apr 28, 2023 | General, Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
Where I came from up north, there were far fewer backyard swimming pools dotting the residential landscape than the huge number I encountered upon resettling in Southwest Florida. Up there, fewer pools meant fewer choices of pool service technicians. But thanks to our... by host | Jan 23, 2023 | General, Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
If you are a newcomer to Florida and fortunate enough to have your own swimming pool, its upkeep during what passes for winter in the Sunshine State will likely bear little resemblance to the winterizing techniques you may have used up north. In fact, some of those... by host | Oct 18, 2022 | General, Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
Unless you relish plunging into cold water, the chillier weather also means several months of down time for your Florida swimming pool. Unless it is heated, of course. But don’t let its cooler water and low usage lull you into believing your pool can get by with less... by host | Sep 13, 2022 | General, Local Sarasota, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
Here’s a riddle every Floridian is bound to appreciate: Q: What’s the difference between a boat and a swimming pool? A: No one ever regrets owning a swimming pool. Several strong emotions are tied to the acquisition of a swimming pool. Without exception, they should... by host | May 31, 2022 | Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
As the proud owner of a swimming pool, the last thing you want is to spend more time maintaining the pool than you actually spend using it. Maintaining your own pool is not rocket science. It isn’t difficult to do and takes no special talents or a PhD in chemistry.... by host | Apr 27, 2022 | Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care
Recently after a neighbor’s swimming pool turned pea green while the family was away on vacation, his children were forbidden to swim in it until it cleared up and became blue again. “But we swam in a green lake a grandma’s,” came their puzzled response. “What’s the... by host | Nov 15, 2021 | Pool Safety and Care
If this picture makes you immediately cringe, you’re on the right track. Unfortunately plenty of first-time pool owners and uninformed guests can make potentially disastrous decisions around pools that could leave you with either an expensive and time consuming...