by host | Aug 22, 2023 | General, Local Sarasota, Pool Safety and Care
Whoever coined the literary saying, “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun” undoubtedly spent a summer or two in Florida. For only the craziest of canines, or a perennially sun-starved Brit, would dare venture out into Florida’s midday heat...
by host | Jul 24, 2023 | General, Local Sarasota
If you can pry your kids from their phones for more than a split second this summer, they might discover much better ways to use their time off from school. One of those ways is swimming, an especially welcome form of recreation given Florida’s famously hot summers....
by host | Jun 16, 2023 | General, Local Sarasota, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
Scientists believe that a combination of geographic and atmospheric variables helps explain why hurricanes never seem to draw a bead on Sarasota. Local folklore, on the other hand, suggests our good fortune at avoiding “the big one” is the result of an old Indian...
by host | Dec 19, 2022 | General, Local Sarasota, Uncategorized
If you’ve ever spent a typical August day in Southwest Florida, you have no trouble understanding why so many homes in the region come fortified with swimming pools. Owning a pool affords you the opportunity to live your best Florida life in defiance of the state’s...
by host | Nov 21, 2022 | General, Local Sarasota, Uncategorized
Across much of America, sunshine, blue skies and balmy temperatures are not the expected weather forecast for the winter holidays of Christmas and Hanukkah. In Sarasota, however, these conditions are the mainstay of our December weather. Thus, while the rest of the...
by host | Sep 13, 2022 | General, Local Sarasota, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
Here’s a riddle every Floridian is bound to appreciate: Q: What’s the difference between a boat and a swimming pool? A: No one ever regrets owning a swimming pool. Several strong emotions are tied to the acquisition of a swimming pool. Without exception, they should...
by host | Jul 29, 2022 | General, Local Sarasota, Uncategorized
Count me among the zillions of aging boomers who have damaged every joint in their bodies trying to stay forever young and fit, somehow believing our bodies would never rebel against us for all the abuse we heaped on them in the name of exercise and good health. But...
by host | Mar 1, 2022 | Local Sarasota
Florida is a hotspot for anglers looking to find and catch snook. Not only are snook great to capture for sport, but they also make a delicious meal. These feisty guys are known as one of the most challenging fighting fish to catch, which is why it is a special moment...