by host | Nov 20, 2023 | General, Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Water Care
The debate is at least as ancient as Rome, where the first heated swimming pool was built for
Gaius Maecenas—an adviser to Emperor Augustus Caesar—sometime between 38 and 8 BC. The question under debate: Does a swimming pool add value to your house? (Or palazzo, as
by host | Oct 27, 2023 | General, Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Water Care
Now that autumn is finally chipping away at Florida’s long season of heat and humidity, we’re all feeling a bit lighter. And less grumpy. But even as the changing weather lifts our spirits it can also spell trouble for our swimming pools. Seasonal changes in the...
by host | Sep 18, 2023 | General, Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Water Care
I am no stranger to pool care. I have cleaned, maintained, and yes, even painted swimming pools on and off since I was a kid. Now, decades later, I am living the dream in Southwest Florida. But still managing my own pool. It’s not that I can’t afford a pool service,...
by host | Aug 22, 2023 | General, Local Sarasota, Pool Safety and Care
Whoever coined the literary saying, “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun” undoubtedly spent a summer or two in Florida. For only the craziest of canines, or a perennially sun-starved Brit, would dare venture out into Florida’s midday heat...
by host | Jul 24, 2023 | General, Local Sarasota
If you can pry your kids from their phones for more than a split second this summer, they might discover much better ways to use their time off from school. One of those ways is swimming, an especially welcome form of recreation given Florida’s famously hot summers....
by host | Jun 16, 2023 | General, Local Sarasota, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
Scientists believe that a combination of geographic and atmospheric variables helps explain why hurricanes never seem to draw a bead on Sarasota. Local folklore, on the other hand, suggests our good fortune at avoiding “the big one” is the result of an old Indian...
by host | May 25, 2023 | General, Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
I am no stranger to pool care. Indeed, pool and lawn maintenance were a large part of my life growing up. Failure to perform one or both of these assigned weekly tasks could result in a dramatic loss of income (aka, allowance); or worse, the withholding of dad’s car...
by host | Apr 28, 2023 | General, Pool Maintanence, Pool Safety and Care, Uncategorized
Where I came from up north, there were far fewer backyard swimming pools dotting the residential landscape than the huge number I encountered upon resettling in Southwest Florida. Up there, fewer pools meant fewer choices of pool service technicians. But thanks to our...
by host | Mar 29, 2023 | General, Uncategorized
These days, you’d be hard-pressed to find an architect or custom home builder worth their salt who doesn’t begin the design process without first learning as much as possible about their client’s lifestyle habits and aspirations. Gathering such intelligence makes for...