The Best Snook Fishing Spots in Sarasota and How to Catch Them

Florida is a hotspot for anglers looking to find and catch snook. Not only are snook great to capture for sport, but they also make a delicious meal. These feisty guys are known as one of the most challenging fighting fish to catch, which is why it is a special moment for anglers when they grab a big one.

You can find snook anywhere off the Atlantic coast, but here are our best snook fishing spots and how to catch them:

Note: Frequently check harvesting rules & regulations as they are subject to change.



  1. Tuttle Ave. over Phillippi Creek
  2. Osprey Ave. over Hudson Bayou

Snooks are fond of beaches, Mangrove Shorelines, seagrass beds, and nearby structures. Bridges are common structures snook can be found in abundance.

Snook usually catches prey by gathering under the shadow reflected from the bridge. As the tide moves in the opposite direction, they wait for smaller fish such as pinfish, mullet, and sardines to swim or float with the tide to eat.

If you want to catch snook under bridges, you want it to perceive bait as one of its lively meals flowing in the tide either early morning or sundown. Cast your lure a little bit away from the shadow line of the bridge. Allow the bait to flow naturally with the tide until snook bites. Keep in mind that larger fish often linger under bridges.

Here is a simple list of fishing items you’ll need:

  • Medium-heavy 7-foot rod and reel
  • Leader, at least (50 lbs)
  • Bait


Public Pier’s

  1. The Sarasota Pier
  2. Fishing Pier (Behind MOTE Marine)
  3. Tarpon Pointe Boat Dock

When fishing for snook on a pier, you’ll want to make sure that you have all the necessary fishing items. It will be best to bring the following:

  • Medium-heavy 7-foot rod and reel
  • Leader, at least (50 Lbs)
  • Sinker (pyramid & pin shape)
  • Picnic chair
  • hooks
  • Bait
  • Bucket
  • Pliers
  • Filleting Knife
  • Drop Net
  • Sunglasses

Once you get to one of the piers, you’ll want to find your own space. You never want to fish right next to anyone because lines can tangle, and if snook is hooked, you’ll definitely want to have space to fight with it until it’s out the water. After you have your space, cast your line and let the games begin.


Beaches & Parks 

  1. Phillipi Estate Park
  2. Overlook Park
  3. Siesta Key Beach
  4. Big Sarasota Pass

Fishing for snook on beaches and parks is probably one of the easiest ways to catch snook. These are the fishing items to bring with you:

  • At least, a Medium-Light rod and reel
  • Leader (50 Lbs)
  • Circle hook
  • Bucket
  • Net

In Sarasota, you can find snook practically all year round, but snooks are abundant during June, July, and August when surf fishing. Once you’re on the beach, you’ll want to catch live bait. Avoid fishing by piers because snook will drag your lines into pilings or tangle you up with other angler’s lines. Cast your net into the ocean. You are looking to catch Atlantic croakers, herrings, and sand perch. Once you capture the live bait, hook the bait through the nose and cast your line to catch snook.

There are various ways and tricks to fishing for snook. Snook fishing is fun and easy for everyone. Again, familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for Anglers and know which bodies of water are permitted to fish.